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General Assembly CSV Sandweiler on 13.03.2024

Our annual general assembly took place on 13.03.2024 in the cultural centre in Sandweiler, in the presence of the President of the Hesperange section as well as the Secretary General, MEP and candidate for the European elections, Christophe Hansen.

After the welcome address by our President Jeff Risch, the ordinary items on the agenda were dealt with. At the end of this, we were able to welcome 4 new members to the Committee:
Claudia Gasparro, Daniel Marx, Corinne Meysembourg and Dirk Müller.

Next on the programme was the political part with speeches by our municipal councillors Romain Dumong and Jean Lemmer. They reported on their work in the municipal council.

At the end of the meeting, we were honoured to welcome Christophe Hansen to give a speech on Luxembourg’s role in a strong Europe.

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