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News from the Municipal Council of january 30, 2025

The meeting on 30 January 2025 provided the CSV with the opportunity to continue working for the well-being and safety of citizens.

Read more details here.

Information from the College of Mayors and Aldermen

The mayor informed the municipal council that the 2025 budget had been approved by the Ministry of Interior.


Extraordinary subsidy application from a local association

The extraordinary subsidy for the ‘Oeuvres paroissiales’ was again postponed to a future meeting at the suggestion of the college of aldermen. As Alderman Claude Mousel left the table because – according to his statements at a previous meeting – his name appeared too often in the dossier, there was no majority in the vote.
To be continued.


Contract of rental with the Tennis Club Sandweiler Asbl

When asked by CSV councillor Simone Massard-Stitz what exactly had been changed in the new contract, the college of aldermen was unable to provide an answer. The mayor suggested sending the old contract to the municipal council … after the vote. That makes no sense!
Why can’t the college of aldermen give the municipal council the necessary information?
CSV supported the new contract – despite the lack of information from the college of aldermen.


Entrance fee for ‘David Goldrake – 25 Years of Magic’

The Aldermen’s Council proposed a price of €30/person, or €20 for children/young people and senior citizens.
CSV has stood up for the citizens of Sandweiler. Our councillor Romain Dumong drew attention to the fact that the municipality has for many years provided substantial subsidies to the organisers of the ‘Bealtaine’ festival and more recently to the organisers of the ‘Festival International de la BD’ in Contern, so that the citizens of Sandweiler receive free admission to the aforementioned festivals.
For this reason, we believe it would be logical to allow the citizens of Sandweiler free admission to this ‘birthday show’ to celebrate with David Goldrake.
The majority did not take up our suggestion, so the citizens of Sandweiler will also have to pay the regular rate.


statement by the College of Aldermen on the FGFC’s accusations

The opposition colleagues from ‘déi gréng’ had put this item on the agenda – probably in the hope that the college of aldermen would comment on the outrageous accusations.
At the request of the college of aldermen, the majority – against the votes of ‘déi gréng’ and the CSV – postponed this item.
After a very brief exchange of words, Mayor Jacqueline Breuer (LSAP) caused general laughter in the room with her understanding of democracy.
(Audio by 100komma7)


Extraordinary subsidy 2023 FC US Sandweiler

This item was on the agenda at the request of CSV. We once again argued in favour of FC US Sandweiler receiving the subsidy for youth uniforms to which it is entitled according to the regulations.
The Board of Aldermen explained that they had not yet got round to calculating this five-figure sum – arguing that the subsidy regulations were poor and unclear. However, there have been no significant discussions on the subsidies based on these regulations for years.

Our councillor Simone Massard-Stitz provided the college of aldermen – as she did at the meeting on 5 November 2024 – with a detailed calculation of exactly how much subsidy the club is entitled to. She also pointed out that the college of aldermen had had seven months to calculate this since receiving the documents for this grant in 2023.
Despite everything, the majority – at the request of the college of aldermen – postponed this item.
We are keeping our eye on the ball.


Securing the walkway near the new car park in rue d’Itzig

At the new car parking in rue d’Itzig, the walkway is blocked daily by parked cars – partly because they park on the walkway next to the left-hand parking space, and partly because they drive their vehicles so far forward that the walkway behind them is cut off.

This is a great danger for all pedestrians!

In order to ensure the safety of pedestrians – but also of children on their way to school or to the sports facilities – CSV has suggested installing wheel stops in the car park and using a pole to prevent cars from parking on the walkway.
According to Mayor Jacqueline Breuer (LSAP), the college of aldermen proposes to ticket vehicles that block the walkway. However, the fact that this would not improve safety for pedestrians was ignored.
The majority voted against this simple and inexpensive measure to increase safety. Instead, the college of aldermen prefers to take repressive action against motorists without having any immediate effect on increasing safety.
We would like to point out that the design of the car park is one of the changes made under the LSAP/DP college of aldermen as part of the rue d’Itzig remodelling project.


Questions from the Council members

CSV had submitted questions on 4 topics to the college of aldermen in advance.
While we were asking our questions, Alderman Claude Mousel (DP) tried to sabotage the work of the press by fanning the microphones with paper. While some of the audience reacted with shock, Mayor Jacqueline Breuer (LSAP) and Alderwoman Corine Courtois (DP) were amused.

  • The first part of the questions concerned the FGFC’s accusations against the college of aldermen.
    Our councillor Jean Lemmer began by drawing the college of aldermen’s attention to the fact that the mayor had disseminated false information at the citizens’ workshop on 28 January 2025. The mayor claimed that opposition parties and the FGFC had made accusations against the college of aldermen in the previous weeks. The CSV consistently contradicted this.
    The CSV opposition had not made any accusations against the college of aldermen in recent weeks up to that point, but had taken up the FGFC’s communiqué in order to shed light on the expert. The mayor merely laughed off this correction.
    The individual, simple and concrete questions were then raised. There was a reaction from the mayor, but no concrete answer to the individual questions (RTL, 100komma7). CSV campaigned for clarity about the allegations in the interests of citizens and staff. The college of aldermen decided not to respond to questions at all and instead referred us to a press release to be published in the near future.
  • In response to our question about the status of the new PAG dossier, we were told that the municipality was simply waiting for the minister’s signature.
  • On the issue of replacing the old water meters, it was stated that it would be a few years before they were all replaced and that only then would it be possible to talk about additional services for citizens on this basis.
  • Regarding the use of the car-sharing car, which was already introduced under the CSV/‘déi gréng’ Board of Aldermen, it was stated that as many as 42 different customers used the car 203 times in 2024.
    Furthermore, there have not yet been any efforts to replace the car with an electric car – this may take place at a later date.

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