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PAG: No majority for the vote on the notice to the Ministry.

At the municipal council meeting on March 7, 2024, over 7 months after the ministère des Affaires intérieures requested an opinion, the latter finally appeared on the agenda. Unfortunately, during this meeting, a total of 3 councilors were absent, some for health reasons. With aldermen Mousel leaving the table, only 7 out of 11 councilors from 3 out of 4 parties could have discussed this important dossier.

Given the enormous importance of this dossier for the future development of the municipality, the CSV requested a postponement of this point. As the majority refused this request, our municipal councils felt obliged to leave the table so that this file could be discussed in the next meeting with full transparency and the presence of representatives from all parties and potentially be voted on.

The CSV offered the majority a proper opportunity to handle this important dossier in full transparency and in good collaboration with as many councilors as possible. However, the majority did not seize this opportunity, which forced us to leave the table.

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