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A new park without playground?

Finally, after several requests, our councilors did receive the new plan for the park. This plan, as it was presented at the municipal council meeting on 23 May 2024, proves that the CSV has remained truthful in its allegements and has not at all misinformed citizens about the missing playground.

However, this is what we were accused of in “Sandweiler Aktuell 10-2024”.

Quote: Il y a cinquante ans, Gaston Thorn, alors Premier ministre, déclarait : „Un peuple mal informé comprend mal, juge mal et décide mal.“ Cette vérité demeure, même à notre échelle communale. Aujourd‘hui, le groupe politique CSV, adepte de l‘opposition systématique, a récemment distribué un flyer et une pétition qui illustrent parfaitement cet adage. On y lit, entre autres, que le Collège échevinal aurait abandonné l‘ancien projet d‘installer une aire de jeux dans le futur parc.

See for yourself and try to find a playground on the new plans.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every citizen who supported us in our petition. To this date, the College of Aldermen has unfortunately not reacted to the petition, citizens and local councillors are now being put off until a masterplan is presented in November.

We urge the college of aldermen to take a position on our petition in which 247 citizens call on the college of aldermen to organize a citizens‘ survey about the park.

Find below a high-resolution version of the plan to make it easier for you to find the playground.

Projet voté en 2022
Plan modifié présenté en mai 2024

* After receiving the modified plan, we realised that the yoga area has not been removed as we mistakenly wrote on this website.

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