In addition to the planned agenda, the CSV representatives also had various items added.
Centre de collecte: Embarrassment for the Council of Aldermen
Unsurprisingly, Mayor Jacqueline Breuer announced at the beginning of the meeting to the municipal council and the audience present that the widely announced “Centre de collecte” could not take place as planned. No building rubble and electrical waste” now became “only tree and hedge cuttings as well as grass and leaves”. The explanation for this massive step backwards was that a legal procedure had to be gone through before other recyclables could be accepted.
We, the CSV Sandweiler, are astonished at the way the Board of Aldermen approaches such a project without informing themselves in advance about the necessary legal requirements.
Subsidy regulations: The Board of Aldermen has its own interpretation of the regulations.
With various amendments, the CSV drew the attention of the Board of Aldermen for a good 45 minutes to the fact that the municipal regulations concerning subsidies for local associations were not being implemented correctly. None of our motions was accepted by the majority, so that the entire opposition felt compelled to abstain from the vote.
The Board of Aldermen then announced that it would like to amend the corresponding regulations for 2024.
At this point, we as CSV would like to thank all clubs and associations for their good work, especially in the area of youth.
The opposition is aware of its responsibility.
It should be noted that after less than an hour, the majority was no longer complete. During the discussions on the subsides, a DP councillor left the room. Conscious of their duty to the citizens, the opposition did NOT take advantage of this to leave the room, as has been the case in the opposite constellation in the past. Due to this behaviour, the local council remained quorate and was able to work through the other items.
After a few more minor items, the items on the agenda, some of which were added for the second time at the request of the CSV, were dealt with. The details of these items can be found below in the gallery.
Coalition agreement: The Board of Aldermen has no concrete ideas
For this municipal council meeting, the CSV had the coalition agreement put on the agenda in order to start a constructive discussion. Unfortunately, this was not possible with the Board of Aldermen. None of our questions were answered. There was almost exclusively one reaction: the citizens and the council would know everything when the time came. In our opinion, this is a sad approach. The DP/LSAP majority is far from the announced transparency and say. We note: the majority has no concrete idea in which direction they want to elaborate their individual points.
Humanitarian aid
The CSV motion on 2 donations for humanitarian aid was adopted unanimously.
Publication of job vacancies
The CSV wants the municipality to have rules on how vacant staff positions are advertised in the future. A well-functioning municipal administration needs the best possible staff. However, in order to find them, potential candidates must have an actual chance to read the job advertisement.
What happened?
On 14 September, in the afternoon, the municipal administration advertised the position of “Coordinateur administratif et technique” in the “Raider” and on the website of the municipality. This publication did not appear on the Facebook page, in any newspaper or on any of the usual job boards. Deadline: 18 September.
Even if this procedure is legal, one can still speculate about the reasons for this short and very limited publication.
The CSV’s question to openly and transparently search for the best possible staff in the future, even beyond the boundaries of the municipality, was vehemently rejected.
Questions of the CSV
The Board of Aldermen has responded to our various questions. The CSV has also asked to receive the answers to our questions in writing, in order to make them publicly available to you, dear citizens. Despite strong reluctance on the part of LSAP Mayor Jacqueline Breuer, DP Alderman Claude Mousel has agreed to have our questions answered in writing by the Board of Aldermen. At this time, the written answers have not yet been received. As soon as the Board of Aldermen sends them to us, we will publish them here.
Update 27.10.2023: The answers.